The World of Polio

Polio in the United States
- In today's society, polio has been least common in the western parts of the world. 
- Most recently in 2005, about four cases of polio were discovered in Minnesota, due to the failure of the victims getting the vaccination. 
- Excluding those recorded deaths, there have been only about eight to ten cases of polio throughout the 1990s in the United States.  Of those cases, there were no actual deaths as cause to the virus after 1979.

Polio Overseas

- Up until the 1990's and 2000's, polio has been decreasing in third world nations, incuding India, Pakistan, Haiti, and others. 
- In 2001, however, an outbreak in Pakistan and Haiti was devestating to many people. This outbreak was due to the morphology of poliomyelitis, which is explained in another page.  Although the developing nations have vaccinations available, the number of citizens who actually have polio are a threat to the spreading of the disease.